Recognition of your competences acquired outside the formal education
Confirm your qualification!
VTI is providing opportunities to those who have practical work experience and knowledge of the profession, but have no official education document which confirms these knowledge – to contact us, participate in professional qualification exam and to obtain an international recognized professional qualification document.
What should you do?
Applicant’s work experience or outside the formal education system acquired professional competence are valued in professional qualification exam, therefore applicant should contact us and make the application.
Important(!!!) Before the submission of documents applicant have the right in VTI for free consultation on the professional standard requirements and profesional qualification examination procedures.
It is easy! After application, applicant will receivenecessary guidance of the duration of the theory to be received ,class time table at your own ease ;practice requirements and assessment; and enter the exam and after 2 months maximum receive the award through the MES. All qualificationsare MQA/State recognized.
Use the opportunity! Contact
Vocational Training Institute ltd,[vti] 99 john kennedy avenue,near Police Station,Vacoas,Mauritius
Tel 6966051;Email;Web:
Development of a sectoral qualifications system and improvement of the efficiency and quality of vocational education and training for a better Mauritius
Amendments to the Vocational Education & MQA by Laws, to increase compliancy of Technical vocational education and training (TVET) with labour market needs at sectoral , institutional and programme levels to be made-if we really wish to think of employment reduction and employability of the new generation.
We should think of the establishment of a sectoral expert councils (SEC), to promote employers’ involvement in developing TVET at sectoral level. These tripartite councils should be composed of State and local government representatives, employers' organisations and trade unions. MQA have already established some similar projects ,but need to be replenished and thus this ‘Development of sectoral qualifications system and increasing TVET efficiency and quality’ have to be rethink so as to be proved successful in practice, and introduce a legal and regulative framework.
Some of the Proposed main role of SECs:
participate in developing sectoral qualification structures;
propose needed professions and appropriate specialisations in sectors;
enrolment of students in TVET programmes in particular sectors;
participate in developing content for TVET programmes;
verify skills for which occupational standards must be designed;
develop professional qualification examinations;
review occupational standards and professional qualifications’ requirements;
participate in accreditation of TVET institutions and programmes;
coordinate and promote cooperation between TVET institutions and social partners.
Further, amendments to the law to introduce establishment of collegial advisory bodies at each TVET institution, so-called convents. Convents will promote TVET development in line with labour market needs at institutional level. They should be composed of heads of TVET institutions, representatives of local government and supervising ministry, and employers. Convents will make proposals regarding development strategy of TVET institutions, and cooperate with local enterprises to ensure students’ training placements and work-based learning opportunities.
Amendments to the law also to define the term ‘work-based learning’ as one attainment form of TVET and therewith link TVET closer to the work environment. Students to acquire theoretical aspects at TVET institutions including the programmes basic practice , but the real practical aspects necessary for performing professional activities to be acquired at enterprises. Work-based learning to be out as pilot projects and to be adopted compulsorily thereafter .
Prof Dr A.R Sayfoo ,Director VTI Ltd, Mauritius
Impact of the crisis on skills shortages
Unless there is multiple action on several policy fronts, mainly on strengthening the link between education and employment, skills mismatches and shortages will increase as we exit the crisis. 'While we have too many individuals with low skills, it also has few jobs and too many bad jobs on offer.
The probability of higher qualified individuals accepting jobs that require lower qualifications and skills than their own has risen since the crisis.
Typically, a fifth to a third of vacancy bottlenecks can be genuinely attributed to a shortage of applicants with the right skills. For the remainder, the failure to attract skilled labour arises because of the offer of uncompetitive salaries, or other inefficiencies in human resource practices.
Close to a half of all workers (47%) considered it likely that some of their skills will become outdated in the next five years: 'If we do not continue our reforms to improve the image, attractiveness and quality of vocational education and training, we will be poorly equipped to confront emerging skill shortages in our future job markets.
Education and training cannot stand alone in the battle against skill mismatch
'Countries with lower shortages are also those in which firms adopt better human resource practices and offer higher quality jobs. What evidence alludes to is that our skill strategies should not be geared towards a narrow aim of helping employers fill their immediate job vacancies. They should instead aspire to meet longer-term goals, such as strengthening key competences, creativity and innovation in education and training.'
'Unless there is multiple action and coordination on several policy fronts, including education, employment, innovation, competition and migration policy, skill mismatches and shortages will become more pronounced as we slowly exit from the prolonged economic crisis.
How politicians can mind the closing doors
If politicians can't learn from past mistakes, they risk another three decades of going around in circles
Have you ever seen someone get stuck between the doors on the tube? They know there's another train in two minutes, but they don't care.
They want this train, and they'll do anything to make it. So they take off like Superman and leap onto the train, only to find themselves hopelessly caught between the closing doors.
Talk about embarrassing, and painful! After that experience, some will decide it's better to just wait for the next train. Yet others will find themselves in the exact same predicament the following day. It's hard to learn from past mistakes.
Only constant is change
That's what we found when we looked at the last 30 years of skills and employment policy in the UK. Our report, 'Sense & Instability: three decades of skills and employment policy,' shows just how much upheaval it's had to endure.
It started in the 80's when NVQs were introduced. They were followed by GNVQs, ACVEs and Applied GCSEs - all before getting scrapped in 2007. That's a lot of acronyms to keep track of!
And if that wasn't confusing enough, there have been 61 Secretaries of State responsible for skills since Margaret Thatcher's time - almost four times as many as higher education. It's no wonder that policy has changed so much over the years.
Give it time
Not all of those changes were bad. Some great policies were proposed over that time, but very few were given enough time to work before getting axed.
That's because too many politicians made dramatic overhauls the moment they got into power without considering what worked well in the past. Will this General Election be any different?
Resisting temptation
It's already looking like a close race, and candidates will do everything they can to one-up the competition. That means big promises, especially about apprenticeships - a favourite buzzword of politicians right now.
And apprenticeships are every bit deserving of that spotlight. But such attention usually means that politicians will be looking to make their mark.
It's crucial that they resist the temptation to overhaul the entire skills and employment system, neglecting every policy that came before.
The more they tamper, the more they risk undoing the system's credibility and effectiveness. That's bad for individuals, businesses and the economy.
Think before you leap
That's why we're calling on politicians to think before they leap. City & Guilds wants to see long-term planning instead of short-term headline grabbing.
If politicians can't learn from mistakes and leave policies in place long enough to make a difference, they risk another three decades of getting caught in the tube doors
Vocational education and training: old roots for new routes
The challenges of the 21st century require new approaches to learning for work. Technical Vocational education and training (TVET) is evolving, but we need a clearer vision of what modern TVET systems should look like.
Old roots to new routes, ‘The old roots of the TVET systems must provide new routes - pathways, options and opportunities - to jobs and careers. TVET has long-established roots. These roots nurture skills that grow into qualifications that sustain transition to work and further career development. But those old roots need to provide new routes and new ways for people to update their skills and gain new qualifications to find work, build rewarding careers and enjoy quality of life. Modern TVET systems also need to provide new routes for enterprises to develop skills for economic excellence and competitive performance.’
Many of the features of modern TVET systems are emerging, illustrated. Rethinking the role of work-based learning for young people and adults should be revamped. We should be working together on instruments to make TVET systems more flexible, so that all types of learning count, mobility for learning and work is easier and learning opportunities of all kinds are available throughout life.’
However, these different initiatives need to be integrated more closely. ‘For example,’ ‘it is not just a case of improving how TVET systems operate, but also their interaction with and relevance to the labour market. The skill supply and demand forecasts that inform policy-makers about labour market trends are an essential feature of any TVET system.’
We have to decide the features of the modern TVET systems.. Debating, agreeing and translating those features into a shared vision of what modern TVET systems should look like may help to focus and uphold TVET reform during a difficult period following the economic crisis when resources are limited and tough decisions needed.
Modernizing TVET will probably always be a work in progress.’ ‘This underlines the case for having a point of reference that sets out the features of modern TVET systems. These features should recognise the important role TVET plays in both personal and economic goals, of helping directly people and enterprises and believe that TVET is 'an important tool to combat youth unemployment.'
Prof Dr Sayfoo
What is wrong with the Mauritian education system?
Well, according to many stakeholders, plenty! Employers say we are not able to give them what they want. Politicians continue to argue over the way to close the ‘skills gap’ that is referenced in every education sound bite and most recently, even parents have joined in and said that they do not feel that education is preparing their sons or daughters for the world of work.
There is of course one key stakeholder not mentioned here, the views of the VTI ltd, struggling for the TVET since 1975 . For too long have we heard about Colleges where ‘learners are at the heart’ or of ‘learner centred approaches’ that are espoused to the world of Ofsted/institutional/authority inspections. I believe the time has come to ‘get real’. Our only ambition in the Further Education-tertiary sector- must be ‘to make our learners the most employable’.
Over the past years, as Director at Vocational Training Institute-Vacoas,Mauritius (you’ve guessed it, in VTI), I have been fortunate to be involved in several fantastic events in delivering a presentation of new courses exhibiting at the truly inspirational Skills courses. My view of the need for corrective action on behalf of VTI could not possibly be stronger. On more than one of these occasions I have referred to a simple11, 13,15 Model that I have been studying for some years now. For those of you who have not heard this, it is a dynamic model that is quite simply, fascinating. The numbers in question are, quite simply, the ages of my children, ever changing, ever challenging and above all, ever learning. I have a four year old who uses an iPad to find a recipe in the kitchen. I have a 10 year old inspired by Ms XXXand Mr YYY to cook it and I have a 13 year old will take the recipe and break it down into its nutritional values. With this level and style of practical, skills-based learning, why on earth do we think we will be able to ‘teach’ this generation at 16, as we have taught their predecessors? They are truly ‘learners’ and moreover, ‘consumers’ of knowledge and ‘developers’ of their own skills.
Over the past years we, at VTI , have become very serious about making our learners ‘the most employable’. We have decided that a skills focus, and not a qualification focus, is the only way to ‘bridge the gap’ of education to employment. We are developing true employer engagement to set ‘live briefs’ for a curriculum that is now delivered though Project Based Learning. It is the skills deficiency that employers crave the answer to, not another 4 A* qualifications. The real measure has to be the ability of each and every learner to develop true technical vocational skills for employment which, at the end of a period, will also deliver a job opportunity, a career enhancement and, oh yes, a qualification certificate.
Where did it all go wrong? Well, if we mean ‘when’ then the answer is long gone! If we truly mean ‘where’, well then the answer is very much, right across Mauritius and the outer island. Our over emphasis on the qualification factory, standardised output of learners with homogenous exam-skill sets has meant that the best in in system, are those who can stay quiet in a room on their own and are able to write the fastest! To some extent this is a very Mauritian issue to not say COPY CAT. Example: It remains a fact that it is often more difficult to gain admission to a Technische Universität (Technical Vocational University) in Germany than an academic study institution. The result is a continuous output of technically-sound young Germans with a skills-based outcome that is valued, fosters innovation and drives a skills-rich economy.
So where does this leave us? Playing catch-up I have no doubt. The time for change is here, the obsession with exam-factory measures of institutional success must be replaced with a recognition of a multi-curricular approach to skills development. Awarding bodies, politicians, College Senior Leaders, Parents, employers and above all, learners, each have a part to play. Imagine a world where learners deliver projects which develop their skills and learning is therefore ‘real’. It may be as simple to give an example of the need to no longer deliver any vocational technical teaching in the isolation of a classroom or workshop. I continually find difficulty in construction departments across the land where all disciplines are taught separately but on the building site, collaborative and complementary blended approaches are what delivers the house, the office block, the bridge or even that shiny new College building to time and within budget!
Time for change we all say! Well I certainly add my voice to that. At Vocational Training Institute, our ambition is to ‘Reinvent Education’ in the Further Education sector. What I am finding is that there are more and more willing to sign up to the ‘most employable’ revolution.
Prof. Dr Sayfoo.A.R
Vocational Training In statute
99,John Kennedy Avenue
VTI got some great offers this year for those of you wanting to change career or wishing to learn a new skill for your New Year's Resolution!!
"Tomorrow, is the first blank page of a 365 page book. Write a good one.â€
Two pathways, one destination - TVET [technical,vocational,education and training] for a sustainable future
Think ways to fight your unemployment stage;
Think, you can ,always, with VTI
Prof Dr Sayfoo
31st December 2014
Good, but could do better
Will changes in skills , employment and Education Ministry help to make a long-term difference?
The shopping is done, the presents are wrapped and plans have been made. Yes, Christmas is just around the corner. And before we know it, we'll be toasting in the New Year.
People say things tend to quieten down for businesses around this time of year, but this certainly hasn't been the case in the skills and employment arena. Quite the opposite, in fact.
First we celebrated the thousands of apprentice. Then came the five years plan , with the promise a strong and well defined continuous pathway. An announcement about a new hybrid courses swiftly followed.
And then last week of course, we saw the unemployment statistics, showing yet another fall overall in TVET.
So all in all, a good end to the year, right?
Not quite. If we look more closely at the unemployment statistics, we see that there was seemingly little change in youth unemployment. Ok, so it could be worse, and we could have seen an increase. But stagnating figures are still cause for concern.
Making a difference in the long-term
The recent announcements around youth and the new careers service show policymakers want to help young people wherever possible. With the General Election and change of govt and a new minister, it's important that the current impetus for supporting young people into work isn't lost.
So how do we do this?
Firstly, we need to see long-term, non-partisan decisions. When it comes toTVET, all parties have expressed their support for them. Whatever the result IT MAY, it's a safe bet that TVET will continue to see investment. This is great - but if you look back over the past few decades, policymakers have a tendency to make changes for the sake of headlines, rather than for the greater good.
All parties need to work together to keep our TVET skills system stable, sustainable and effective.
Secondly, policymakers need to operate on a more wide level. The three deeply rooted prejudices account for the stigmatisation of technical and vocational education and training namely :
(1) TVET is only for dullards,[A person regarded as mentally dull; a dolt. dullard [. a dull or stupid person ] and [that it is only for those who do not do well ‘academically
(2) TVET is an education that cannot lead to university studies,
(3) TVET has limited economic value.
·to the current marginalisation of MQA & T V E T vis a vis general and academic education and institutions;
· The current fragmentation in the fields of teacher education/training of trainers for T V E T ;
·The need for developing higher degree structures in T V E T education;
·The lack of an established research culture that should focus on the development of T V E T ; and
·The challenges in promoting intercultural understanding and knowledge sharing between and among developed and developing countries.
·challenges have set back the growth and development of TVET. Lack of adequate facilities and support, and difficulty in inciting the student's interest within these areas due to the stigma attached to them by not only their peers, but parents and policy makers
·Management has gone because everybody wants to manage and they are not sure what they are managing. Why are so few students into vocational and technical , construction etc , this is where the money is why aren't we selling it
have to be redesigned.
For these reasons, too much attention and resources is given to ‘academic’ rather than vocational education
No, we are wrong, we should stop thinking in this direction-mais au contraire -
·UNESCO defines TVET as a 'comprehensive term referring to those aspects of the educational process involving, in addition to general education, the study of technologies and related sciences and acquisition of practical skills, attitudes, understanding and knowledge relating to occupation in various forms of economic and social life.â€
We have to think of
·implementing counter-strategy of establishing route of continuation and including top-up degree programmes to improve the permeability between TVET and university education and for
·stigmatisation of vocational education and training with the well-paid positions combined with a high social status that become accessible only via a university degree
·The technocrats, the policy makers, in our country need to prioritize and see the need for TVET to be featured as a number one priority in all budgetary addresses and policy decisions that are made for all providers on this island.â€
·To encourage teachers and the wider public to effectively and passionately market the technical subjects.
Because that there is a growing awareness that skills shortages threaten future economic growth, contribute to higher inflation and interest rates, and limit productivity ;
Take the Mauritius Qualification authority[MQA] for example- million is being invested into it to build links between schools and businesses; RPL and its worthiness; NQF and its framework etc but still very few is aware of its real existence and importance.
MQA is still to be marketed among the different policy makers so as to give its real <valeur de nobless>.MQA is still struggling for a proper building and environment . A TVET policy and master plan for the years to come has to be defined and refrain from considering TVET as a second class citizen The hope is that it'll open young people's eyes to all the options available - not think just of TEC or university.
This is exactly what we need to see
Prof Dr Sayfoo
Invest in more good quality and innovative jobs –
Mauritius’s true problem is not one of a deficit of skills, but primarily a deficit of creation of good quality jobs,’.
In Skills mismatch and youth unemployment, most of Mauritian’s unemployment is cyclical, not structural in nature: ‘There is a rising tendency towards a higher “over-qualification†or “over-skilling†rate of the employee workforce (i.e. workers have skills that outweigh those needed to perform their job duties).’
‘skills mismatch is prevalent but it is not the main reason for high youth unemployment rates, nor does it primarily manifest as vacancies that cannot be filled.’
Proposed six solutions:
• There is a clear need to invest more in lifelong guidance and counselling services relevant to labour market realities and in stronger Mauritian vocational education and training (VET) systems, including Higher VET-which does not exist and has to be created.
• Good apprenticeship programmes will also help bridge the gap between skills of new job applicants and those needed by firms. Companies that support apprenticeships count their benefits; companies that don’t, complain about costs.
• Public-private partnerships will ensure that employers, learning providers and learners do not live in ‘parallel universes’ with regard to the effectiveness of the skill-matching process in the country
• Skills mismatch at domestic or smaller-sized firms may be addressed via the offer of better working conditions and by improving the image of the sector. A better image of jobs secures attractiveness to VET.
• Training consortia involving small and larger-sized firms in a sector or region and closer cooperation between VET institutions and businesses in regional/sectoral innovation clusters are likely to encourage employers to invest in staff training.
• Mauritius needs to invest in the creation of more and innovative jobs via local or sectoral development investment projects. Compulsory education and VET have a critical role to play in providing key competences and high-quality VET programmes as a drive for creativity and innovation.
To conclude ‘We may never eradicate unemployment in Mauritius, but we can certainly cultivate the seeds of employability and employment.’
Prof. Dr Sayfoo

What is Asbestos?
Asbestos is a naturally-occurring fibrous silicate mineral. It was considered a versatile product, because it is able to withstand heat, erosion and decay and has fire and water resistant properties.
It becomes a health risk when asbestos fibres are released into the air and breathed in.
Asbestos building materials is described as either “non-friable†or “friable“.
Non-Friable asbestos is any material (other than friable asbestos) that contains asbestos. Non- friable asbestos cannot be crumbled, pulverised or reduced to a powder by hand pressure when dry.
Common uses for non-friable asbestos in buildings include: flat (fibro), corrugated or compressed asbestos cement sheets; water, drainage and flue pipes; and floor tiles.
If fire, hail, or direct activities such as water blasting and drilling damages bonded asbestos, it may become friable asbestos material
Friable asbestos material is any material that contains asbestos and is in the form of a powder or can be crumbled, pulverised or reduced to powder by hand pressure when dry.
Friable asbestos was not commonly used in the home; it was mainly used in industrial applications such as pipe lagging, sprayed limpet and asbestos cloth and rope.
Friable asbestos can only be removed by a licenced asbestos removalist with a friable asbestos licence
20 Point Safety Check
Get to kNOw Asbestos – The 20 Point Asbestos Safety Check
At least 1 in 3 Australian homes contains asbestos including brick, weatherboard, fibro and clad homes.
Asbestos was widely used in building materials before 1987 so if your home was built or renovated before 1987 it most likely contains asbestos.
If asbestos is disturbed during renovations or mainenance your health and the health of your family could be at risk.
DIY is not recommended where asbestos is present.
When renovating or working in and around homes, if in doubt assume asbestos materials are present and take every precaution.
Dealing with asbestos is important and serious, but it’s not overwhelming – IT IS MANAGEABLE!
If you’re not sure if asbestos is in your home you can have it inspected by a licenced removalist or a licensed asbestos assessor.
Products made from asbestos cement include fibro sheeting (flat and corrugated), water, drainage and flue pipes, roofing shingles, guttering and floor and wall coverings. It could be anywhere!
If you find asbestos in your home; Don’t cut it! Don’t drill it! Don’t drop it! Don’t sand it! Don’t saw it! Don’t scrape it! Don’t scrub it! Don’t dismantle it! Don’t tip it! Don’t waterblast it! Don’t demolish it! And whatever you do… Don’t dump it!â€
If left undisturbed asbestos materials in good, stable condition are unlikely to release dangerous fibres and pose a health risk. Generally, you don’t need to remove the asbestos. Paint it and leave it alone but remember to check it occasionally for any signs of wear and tear.
There are legal requirements regarding asbestos management, its removal and disposal.
While some might follow the regulations and safety requirements to remove small amounts of asbestos, the safest way to manage its removal is to retain a licenced professional asbestos removalist equipped to protect you and your family from the dangers of asbestos dust and fibres.
Where asbestos fibres are friable (loose and not bonded into building materials), ONLY licenced friable asbestos removalists are allowed to remove it.
Professional removal of asbestos is affordable. You can’t afford not to use a professional!
The cost of asbestos removal by a licenced professional is comparable to most licenced tradesmen including electricians, plumbers and tilers.
The cost of disposal at a lawful site is often included with the cost of removal by a licenced professional.
If you must work with any material that may contain asbestos or remove asbestos yourself, protect yourself and your family and follow the legal and safety requirements for the management of asbestos to minimise the release of dust or small particles from the asbestos materials.
There are a number of safety precautions you will need to take including wearing specific protective clothing, the correct mask or breathing apparatus and ensure you minimise dust and dispose of it legally.
Never use tools on asbestos materials as they will make asbestos fibres airborne including: Power tools such as electric drills, angle grinders, circular saws and electric sanders. Never use high pressure water blasters or compressed air.
Don’t play renovation roulette! Think Smart. Think Safe. Think – Because it’s not worth the risk
Where is it found?
Where Might Asbestos Be Found in Your Home?

If your home was built or renovated before 1987, you may be surprised where asbestos products have been used in your home.
Products made from bonded asbestos cement that may have been used in your home include:
- Fibro sheeting (flat and corrugated) in walls and ceilings
- Water drainage and flue pipes
- Roofing shingles and guttering
- The backing of floor coverings
IMPORTANT: If fire, hail, or water blasting damages bonded asbestos, it may become friable asbestos material and must be managed and removed by a licenced friable asbestos removalist.
Typical Household Locations
Inside House
Outside House
- Backing of vinyl sheet floor covering
- Carpet underlay
- Cement flooring
- Compressed asbestos sheet
- Flues to fireplaces
- Insulation below wood heater
- Internal and external ventilators
- Internal angle mouldings
- Internal walls & ceiling
- Kitchen splashback
- Loose fill insulation in roof cavity
- “Tilux†marble finish wall panel
- Vinyl floor tiles
- Wall sheeting – internal
- Backing for electrical meter boards
- Dog kennel
- Downpipes
- Eaves and gables ends
- External angle mouldings
- Fence
- Garage
- Gutters
- Insulation for hot water pipes and tank
- Internal and external ventilators
- Ridge capping
- Sheds & external toilets
- Wall sheeting – external
Important Asbestos Facts
Most people can’t tell whether building materials contain asbestos just by looking at them!
- Unless you take the required safety precautions and follow regulations, Don’t cut it! Don’t drill it! Don’t drop it! Don’t sand it! Don’t saw it! Don’t scrape it! Don’t scrub it! Don’t dismantle it! Don’t tip it! Don’t waterblast it! Don’t demolish it! And whatever you do… Don’t dump it!
- If you do need to work with any material that may contain asbestos, always work so there is minimal dust or small particles released from the asbestos materials
- Only scientific testing of a sample of material by an accredited National Association of Testing Authorities (NATA) asbestos testing laboratory can confirm the presence of asbestos. When searching for an asbestos testing facility use a capital A in Asbestos.
- Asbestos materials that are in good condition are unlikely to release asbestos fibres if left undisturbed
- If asbestos materials are in good condition, paint them and leave them alone
- The use of asbestos in products has been banned since 2003
Prof Dr sayfoo
UK education system not fit for purpose, parents say
Research shows that two-thirds of parents think the UK education system isn't preparing young people for work
24 October 2014 /

Two-thirds of parents (66%) don’t think that the current education system prepares children for work, according to new research published today by the City & Guilds Group, a global leader in skills development. The research was commissioned by YouGov to reveal parents’ perceptions of their children’s education and future employment prospects.
Of the 3500+ parents surveyed, the majority (64%) believe that children aren’t being provided with the key skills that employers want, like communication and teamwork. And 57% of them think the education system is far too focused on academia.
More than just good grades
In fact, almost half (49%) said that employers care more about work experience than good grades. A third (36%) worry that their children won’t understand the link between their education today and their future careers.
But despite parents’ lack of confidence in the school system, they trust their children to make their own decisions about their education and careers. The most common age that they think their children are ready to make those decisions is 16, with three in 10 (30%).
And while two-thirds (66%) of parents believe they still have a role to play in advising young people about their education, 51% of parents have reservations about their ability to give that advice. Over half (51%) say they don’t have enough experience, and 46% don’t think they know enough about different careers.
The research also revealed:
- Parents are increasingly seeing the value of vocational qualifications, with almost three quarters (72%) recognising that they are just as useful as a degree in allowing people to start a successful career.
- Parents still believe university is the top choice for the best route to a successful career (35%).
- Parents care more about whether or not a child would be good at a certain job (44%) and enjoy it (42%), than they care about pay (26%).
- The top three industries that parents would like their children to work in are computers/ electronics, law/legal services and engineering.
- When thinking about giving their children more control over their education and careers, parents worry the most about the influence of popular culture (31%) and the impact of peer pressure (27%).
Parents play a crucial role
Speaking about the research Chris Jones, Chief Executive of the City & Guilds Group said:
‘It’s no surprise that parents are concerned about their children’s futures. The education system isn’t doing enough to link what’s being learnt in the classroom to future careers, or advise young people about the opportunities available to them. This isn’t good enough.
'It’s crucial that young people are given the chance to understand what the workplace is like, and learn about the skills they need to open the door to their dream jobs.
'And of course, parents play a crucial role in guiding these choices. So it’s encouraging to see such positivity around vocational qualifications and apprenticeships. ‘Parents naturally want the best for their children, and they realise that employers want more in a candidate than just good grades.
'But they cannot be expected to know about all of the routes and options available to their children. That’s why The Skills Show is so important. It brings to life the variety of exciting opportunities available to young people, and showcases just how far skills can take you.’
University wasn't for me
Tiana Locker, Youth Engagement Officer for the City & Guilds Group, also commented on the importance of good careers advice. She said:
‘I know from my own experience that young people need to understand the link between what they learn in school and their future careers. I left college with the grades that I needed to get into university. But when I decided it wasn’t for me and to get a job, I had loads of doors closed in my face.
'I thought that good grades meant a good job, but employer after employer told me that I didn’t have the right skills that they were looking for. Then I started an apprenticeship and everything changed.
‘That’s why I’m so passionate about co-ordinating City & Guilds’ Apprentice Connect and Work Experience programmes. I can help young people figure out what they want to do, understand what skills employers are looking for, and how they can take the first step towards their dream job.’
Children need the freedom to explore
Amy Treasure, a mum of three and author of the ‘Mr and Mrs plus Three’ blog about family life said: ‘As a parent to teenagers I can understand and relate to the parents who have concerns regarding their children's future.
'I think it is fair to say that the current education system does not place enough emphasis on preparing our young people for employment. Our children need the freedom to explore all the options available to them and to know that vocational qualifications and apprenticeships are a valid route into the workplace. Teaching them that the valuable skills acquired through such schemes can open doors and increase their employability.’
Get involved
The research has been released ahead of The Skills Show, which takes place from 13 - 15 November. As the UK’s largest skills and careers event, it’s an opportunity for young people to meet employers and discover career opportunities. City & Guilds is the Lead Premier Sponsor of The Skills Show.
Prof Dr sayfoo
Vocational Training Institute-[vti ltd] Mauritius New vision for the 12-19 year olds for Training and development in Mauritius
As skills shortages increase across many sectors, there has never been a more critical moment in time to ensure our young people are prepared for the world of work. The Training and Industry Skills will influence and ensure the right reforms in apprenticeships training take place and more broadly ensure the whole education skills system supports more than one choice for our young people, as well as addressing what employers really need to grow and achieve economic success.’
The need to better equip young people for the workplace is why VTI ltd has recently expanded its offer for 12-19 year olds with the launch of the City & Guilds new courses Designed with industry and experts from the education and skills sector, the courses are a new curriculum that provides learners with a professional pathway to their chosen career alongside the technical qualifications and core skills and competencies they need to progress in work.
The desire from employers to play a more active role in education curriculum design is clear. VTI LTD recently spoke to 1,000 small, medium and large businesses and the majority (54%) agreed there is a need for them to be more involved in developing qualifications to ensure they meet the needs of business. There is also consensus among employers that an overhaul of the current qualifications is needed, with just a third (35%) of those surveyed agreeing that today’s qualifications adequately prepare young people for work.
Expert comment: ‘For too long, Government has expected businesses to pick up the training bill for developing young people who come to the workplace without the rounded skills needed by employers. My ambition is that the Industry Skills training will give employers a collective voice and allow us to shape the education agenda by adopting a leadership position. Alongside working in partnership with technical education and training to create an offer that is right for business, VTI LTD will be looking to consult with and advise Government on the future direction of our education system so that it really works in support of the local ’s employment and skills needs.’
We’ve long recognised the need for greater employer engagement and interaction in education to help create a system that is more responsive to the skills needs of today’s businesses. Despite Government reforms that are putting more power in the hands of employers through programmes such as apprenticeships, there is still a big disconnect between the skills young people are learning in education and the skills demanded by employers. We hope the govt. will support us in our focus on developing the skills that allow people to progress into a job, on the job, and onto the next job
Find your career sweet spot
It’s interesting that in a time when we have so much – so many opportunities, so many ways to create a meaningful and rewarding career – we find that nearly half of those surveyed in the UK, the US and Australia say they are in jobs they would trade today if they could.
In Australia, job dissatisfaction has hit an all time high, with more than 80 per cent of workers considering changing jobs during 2010-11.
The modern workplace is afflicted with two main career dilemmas – a plague of job dissatisfaction and the related uncertainty about how to choose the ‘perfect’ career.
Why is choosing a fulfilling career such a challenge and why does it come with so much pressure?
It could start with the myth that we are fed from a young age: that there is one perfect job out there that will fulfill all our needs, use our talents and skills, that will be consistent with our values, that we’ll derive purpose from, pays really well, with people we love being around, we’ll know what it is by the time we leave school.… and we’ll do it for about 45 years.
This myth has led many to stay in unsatisfying jobs and persist in industry sectors that do not match their values. It also creates a deep fear when we question any desire to change.
What’s your career sweet spot?
Whether or not we consciously realise it, we all seek a career that gives us:
Passion (we love doing it),
Purpose (we are good at it and we add value),
Rewards (we get paid well and we have high satisfaction).
We need these three areas to be fulfilled in order to find our career sweet spot. When one or more of these areas is found wanting, we could find ourselves asking questions like:
How can I make a difference?
Does money mean happiness or equate to job satisfaction?
What rewards am I seeking?
How am I adding value in my current role, and to whom?
So how do you know you’re ready for a career change?
Usually there’s a combination of signs and a set of reflections, challenges and frustrations that signal it’s time for change.
The three most common problems that clients in my career redesign program express, are:
They’re often feeling bored and frustrated in their current roles
They’re overcome with fear from the financial or other risks of a career change
Or they just don’t know where or how to start.
Inevitability they stay stuck in unfulfilling roles, losing motivation as time creeps on, and this impacts on other areas of their lives.
Are you sabotaging your own career change?
Do any of these sound familiar?
The change did not happen fast enough, so I panicked, abandoned the process and went back to the roles I’d done before;
I don’t want to waste skills that I have spent years of time and money developing, so I’ll just wait for that great role to appear;
I’ll stay in this dissatisfying job, it’s the boss and the company’s fault and they should solve it;
If I ignore my career dissatisfaction, it will go away.
All of these beliefs are driven by an expectation that an external force can solve your career problems. If you hear yourself saying any one of these things, then use it as a catalyst to examine your current situation and look inwards for an answer.
Myths about career change
Apart from the single biggest myth about finding your ‘perfect’ career, there are several other common myths we often tell ourselves.
Maybe you think you’re too old to make a career change, or you’re being selfish thinking that you deserve a new, more satisfying career.
Both of these common myths are perpetuated by stereotypes such as older workers can’t learn new IT skills or that another global crisis is just around the corner, so don’t rock the boat. The result is that you end up staying in unfulfilling roles, paralyzed by the fear of change.
(And, by the way, a 2011 survey showed that older workers were the fastest growing users of technology.)
Risks associated with a career change
Apart from these common myths, there are a number of fears we need to confront when we consider a career change.
The most common is the financial risk. Will I have enough money? Can I make money from something I love doing? Should I stay on this secure wage?
The other most commonly cited risks are:
Competence – can I develop the skills I need to perform the tasks of me?
Social – what will others think?
Identity – will I be able to adopt this new identity and feel secure?
Relational- –will my family support me in making the changes I seek?
Unknown – will I allow myself the chance to explore, learn and possibly fail?
So think about what keeps you up at night that could be creating anxiety and holding you back from a career change.
A key to managing risk is to find ways to first identify the specific risk, and then to make it smaller so we are not overwhelmed by it. The nature of risk is that we’ll never really know for certain the outcome, no matter how concrete or small we make the risk.
We can, however, prepare for risk taking by:
Converting the bigger risks into smaller chunks to reduce the potential impact of the risk.
Acknowledging that risk taking is a skill. That means we can get better at it with practice. We can experiment by taking smaller, more manageable risks.
Acknowledging fears – get them out of your head and put them out there so that you can assess, challenge and face them.
Is your self-esteem holding you back?
We also know the links between self-esteem and careers are strong, so if you are hesitating with a career change, maybe you need to reflect on your view of yourself.
Having a healthy self-esteem is not boastful or arrogant, and while it may be intangible, it is easy to spot.
It’s about having a high regard for yourself and for your talents, skills and temperament. It’s also associated with an elevated sense of personal responsibility. Those with self-esteem rarely blame others for their problems.
Its also about knowing your own self-worth, which gives you a profound sense that you are here for a reason or purpose which in turn shows a sense of reverence for life.
A large part of the task of achieving a healthy self-esteem lies simply in getting to know yourself better – discovering the ideas and things that are important to you, and knowing why they are important.
Actively work on a plan to build your self-esteem through creating a new picture of yourself. Formulate in as much detail as you like what you want your life and your self to exhibit. Begin with the broad and move in from there to help redesign your career.
No career change will magically materialise out of the blue. It will take effort, extending into the unknown, living with uncertainty, and experiencing confusion and mini realisations along the way.
So take time to think about your ultimate goal, the breakthroughs you’ll have along the way and how you can create a re-energised you.… and you’ll find your career sweet spot.
The long-term benefits of vocational courses
Today’s fast-paced and bustling world requires the modern worker to become a jack-of-all-trades. But, rather than spending a lifetime studying degrees and higher qualifications, vocational courses can give you the opportunity to update your skill set in only a fraction of the time.
Ranging from one day to one year, vocational courses are perfect if you’re looking to formalise your skills gained in the workplace or build upon your qualifications gained through university. They can be the key to unlocking job prospects, promotions or new career ventures – and they’ll do wonders for your creativity!
Career enhancers
Vocational courses are a great way to fill the gaps in your knowledge and give you a competitive edge when it comes to job promotions. As technology evolves systems, programs and practices change, making it critical for workers to refresh their skills and stay on top of the game.
Courses in areas of self-development, such as leadership, workplace communication and conflict resolution, can make you the ideal candidate for a higher role in your workplace. As an employer, these courses can help you effectively deal with employee issues and workplace relations and earn you the ‘Boss of the Year’ award. Skills such as these are easily transferable from workplace to workplace and are a great asset on your resume.
Studying a First Aid Certificate can also give you skills that are transferable not only in your career but in everyday life. For some jobs, certified first aid knowledge is mandatory. For Maria Mu, her time as a flight attendant required her to have a current First Aid Certificate.

‘I was required to have it when I was a flight attendant, but in general it is a great thing to have. You’re prepared for any situation that might come up and having that knowledge is extremely comforting,’
If you’re interested in pursuing your entrepreneurial dreams then studying a MYOB or bookkeeping course can give you the skills to efficiently manage the ‘business side’ of your business.

‘Working every day on the same tasks, small business owners run the risk of their ideas getting tired and their minds uninspired. A vocational course, which may offer new ideas and skills, can really fire up the mind and inspire greater business success,’
Vocational courses can also be used to turn your career towards a new direction. Studying a TESOL course, through a leading distance education provider such as SEEK Learning can open new opportunities for those wishing to travel and teach overseas.
Taste-test a career path
Like a taste-tester at an ice cream shop, vocational courses can allow you to sample the wares before you buy. Gaining an insight into the type of knowledge required for a particular industry or field can save you the time and money of studying a full-time degree.
Starting off small can also give you a foundation to continue building your skills upon. Many vocational courses can be accredited if your situation requires you to further your qualifications. Vocational courses can be the ideal way to gain the skills you need at this stage, and are also an easy transition into Certificate courses.
Some vocational courses, called bridging units or preparatory units, can also help you if you need to brush up on some knowledge for tertiary study and prepare you for the work level and study skills that are expected.

Some course providers allow you to study individual course units at a time. This gives you not only specific knowledge but also an insight into the nature of the whole qualification without having to make a three-year commitment.
Vocational Training Institute allows students to studycouses , in order for students to continue their other commitments while studying.

‘Our students have backgrounds that are more diverse than that of traditional, face-to-face universities. We offer students the opportunity to work around their personal and professional lives while still receiving an education,’
Turn hobbies into something more
If you’ve always wanted to turn your interests into a hobby or even if you wanted to find a hobby you’re interested in, vocational courses can be a great way to start out. Studying anything from home gardening to life drawing can be a fun way to get yourself off the couch and learn new skills and knowledge.
‘Keeping the mind active is just as important as keeping the body active, and learning new things. Those who have completed vocational courses in fields unrelated to their careers show an open and interested mind, an enthusiastic attitude and a lust for life,’
Pursuing your hobbies can also be a great way to unlock new career options. If you’ve always wished you could turn your hobby into a full-time career then vocational courses can give you the professional skills and techniques to match your passion.
vocational courses give you skills that are transferable from the home to the workplace. This means that if you plan on studying a Certificate in electrical to look aftermaintenance , you will also have the professional training to launch your career in the electrical industry.

Learning a language through a vocational course is also a great way to pick up a hobby and give you a competitive edge in the workplace. In today’s global environment, being bilingual is critical to working and communicating on an international level and gives you that extra savoir faire.
What you need to know
Vocational courses have a different fee paying structure to longer qualifications and it may not be an option to defer payment or gain government assistance. Make sure you are aware of all the financial considerations involved before you sign up for the course.
Also make sure you understand completely whether your course is nationally recognised or can be accredited towards further study if you are interested in using your qualification in the workplace or plan on pursuing further study.
Be aware that for some careers you may still require an undergraduate qualification – just studying a multitude of vocational courses does not equal a master’s degree. Also, be wary of listing all 20 of the vocational courses you have completed in your resume, unless they are relevant to the jobs you are applying for. Simply listing a few in your interests can help to show that you are a well-rounded, inquisitive person.
‘Vocational courses show potential employers you are motivated, keen to learn and sharp. They show current employers you are not content to rest on your laurels, and that you see continual improvement as a priority,’ says Gibbs.
Although less of a commitment than studying a university degree, you are still required to put in time and effort to do well when studying a vocational course. Some vocational courses may require you to undertake exams, attend a certain number of classes or hand in assignments in order to complete the requirements. The onus is on you to succeed but the benefits are worth it.
Reconstruire le pont entre l'éducation et l'emploi
« Il est clair que le système d'éducation se déplace de plus en plus loin des besoins des entreprises . Des niveaux élevés de jeunes compétences de chômage et l'augmentation des lacunes dans de nombreux secteurs montrent que l'éducation des jeunes reçoivent ne les aide pas à acquérir des compétences ou une connaissance suffisante du lieu de travail pour rivaliser avec succès et trouver un emploi , les employeurs n'obtiennent pas ce ils ont besoin.
Nous sommes passionnés par la reconstruction du pont entre l'éducation et l'emploi - un pont que nous croyons a été cassé comme l'éducation d'aujourd'hui s'éloigne des besoins des entreprises . Des niveaux élevés de chômage des jeunes et des écarts croissants en compétences dans de nombreux secteurs montrent que le système d'éducation n'est pas d'aider les jeunes à acquérir des compétences ou une connaissance suffisante du lieu de travail pour rivaliser avec succès et trouver un emploi . Les employeurs, les apprenants, les parents et les éducateurs sont tous d'accord que le système d'éducation doit s'éloigner de se concentrer uniquement sur les qualifications académiques d'avoir un programme qui répond à tous les besoins des jeunes ainsi que de donner aux employeurs ce dont ils ont besoin .
Seulement un tiers ( 35 %) des employeurs estiment que les qualifications d'aujourd'hui préparer adéquatement les élèves pour le travail . Voilà pourquoi le nouveau curriculum de fournir aux apprenants un parcours professionnel à leur choix de carrière et les qualifications techniques et les compétences dont ils ont besoin pour progresser dans le travail est très important . Une jeune personne qui a suivi un cours technique et professionnelle fournira un signe clair aux entreprises qu'elles sont prêtes pour le travail .
Nous croyons qu'en offrant aux étudiants un programme qui a été développé avec et cautionnés par les employeurs , nous offrons aux jeunes une nouvelle occasion de se doter des compétences, les connaissances et l'expérience dont ils ont besoin pour être les leaders de l'industrie de demain .
La clarté est particulièrement important dans l'éducation, où un manque de compréhension pourrait être la différence entre obtenir un emploi et ne pas être offert un . Ce que nous constatons , c'est que les employeurs et le grand public il ya une bien meilleure compréhension de la formation académique à l'enseignement professionnel . La plupart des gens peuvent facilement nommer l'ordre de GCSE à A des niveaux à l'université, mais demander à ces mêmes personnes et ils vont se battre pour distinguer leurs qualifications techniques ; HND de leurs NVQ ou savoir où chacun mène .
La majorité des employeurs trouver acronymes éducatifs sur CV confusion , et six sur 10 croient l'utilisation d'acronymes et de jargon suggère candidats se cachent un manque de compétences et de qualifications . Cela signifie qu'il ya un réel besoin pour les demandeurs d'emploi et les organisations à utiliser un langage simple qui permet à leurs compétences parlent d' eux-mêmes et aide les employeurs potentiels comprennent les qualifications dont ils disposent.
Mais cela ne peut se produire lorsque les employeurs , les éducateurs et les pouvoirs publics devraient collaborer pour fournir aux jeunes un accès à des compétences , de l'éducation et des conseils de carrière véritablement
Travaillons ensemble pour lâ€avenir de nos jeunes
Prof. Dr Sayfoo.A.R
Vocational Training In statute ;99,John Kennedy Avenue; Vacoas; Mauritius
Rebuilding the bridge between education and employment
'It’s clear, that the education system is moving further and further away from the needs of business. High levels of youth unemployment and increasing skills gaps across many sectors show that the education young people are receiving is not helping them to develop relevant skills or enough understanding of the workplace to successfully compete and find employment, and our research shows employers are not getting what they need.
We are passionate about rebuilding the bridge between education and employment – a bridge that we believe has been broken as today’s education moves further away from the needs of business. High levels of youth unemployment and increasing gaps in skills across many sectors show that the education system is not helping young people to develop relevant skills or enough understanding of the workplace to successfully compete and find employment. Employers, learners, parents and educators all agree that the education system needs to move away from focusing only on academic qualifications to having a curriculum that meets all the needs of young people as well as giving employers what they require.
Only a third (35%) of employers feel that today’s qualifications adequately prepare learners for work. That’s why new curriculum to provide learners with a professional route to their chosen career and the technical qualifications and skills they need to progress in work is very important. A young person who has completed a technical and vocational course will provide a clear sign to businesses that they are ready for work.
We believe that by offering students a programme which has been developed with and endorsed recognized by employers we are offering young people a new opportunity to equip themselves with the skills, knowledge and experience they need to be tomorrow’s industry leaders.
Clarity is especially important in education, where a lack of understanding could be the difference between getting a job and not being offered one. What we notice is that among employers and the general public there is a much clearer understanding of academic education than vocational education. Most people can easily name the order from GCSEs to A levels to university but ask those same people and they’ll struggle to distinguish their technical qualifications; HNDs from their NVQs or know where each one leads.
Majority of employers find educational acronyms on CVs confusing, and six out of 10 believe the use of acronyms and jargon suggests candidates are hiding a lack of skills and qualifications. This means that there is a real need for jobseekers and organisations to use simple language that lets their skills speak for themselves and helps potential employers understand the qualifications they have.
Dr Sayfoo
VTI education is changing for an upgrade and its stage 1 & stage 2
12-19 education is changing
Employers, learners and education providers all agree that the current education system is not adequately preparing young people for the world of work.
But qualifications alone are not enough. That's why we are launching the new scheme an entirely new professional programme designed in partnership to give 14 to 19 year olds the wider skills, experience and attitude they need to stand out from the crowd. With this design it will open doors, providing an exciting alternative path towards an apprenticeship, higher education or employment.
Vocational Training Institute has managed to create a programme that really addresses the needs of employers and will develop young people who are ready to thrive in the workplace
Dr Sayfoo 2.10.14
of employers feel young people don't have the right skills and attitude for the workplace
14.8.14- Prof Dr Sayfoo
Are you a sitting duck?
Too much sedentary office work is a health hazard that workplaces may be failing to address, warns a report published in the latest Medical Journal of Australia (MJA).
“Exposure to sedentary time can be