VTI - Exam Appeals Procedure

VTI Appeals procedure against internal assessment decisions




1. Coursework/Controlled Assessment is defined as any piece of written or practical

work which is marked by the school or an external examiner and which contributes

to an Award- either internal or external examination/assessment.

2. Students must read and understand fully the Notice to about Coursework/Controlled Assessment Regulations in the exam exigencies and rules and regulations.

3. Irregularities in Coursework/Controlled Assessment discovered prior to the

student signing a declaration of authentication will not be reported to the awarding

body but dealt with as an internal disciplinary matter.

4. An irregularity in Coursework/Controlled Assessment discovered after the signing

of the declaration of authentication by the student will be reported to the awarding

body which may lead to disqualification from the subject.

5. Coursework/Controlled Assessment should be handed in by the agreed

departmental deadline.

6. Students are given clear instructions as to the time and place for handing in the


7. If there are any special circumstances e.g. prolonged absence covered by medical

certificate, there is a possibility of an extension but this must be negotiated with the

Head of Department concerned. A note will be given to the students/ parents to confirm the extension.


1. The vti have a published appeals procedure relating to internal assessment decisions.

2. The grounds for appeal relate only to the procedure used in arriving at internal

assessment decisions and do not apply to the judgments themselves.

3. Appeals must be made in writinga week after the work was assessed.


Our policy is designed to promote quality, consistency, accuracy and fairness in

assessment and to theawarding.

1. Before any Coursework/Controlled Assessment is started all candidates will be

given written advice about the production of the Coursework/Controlled

Assessment and deadlines to be met –

2. Information about the appeals procedure will be given at the start of the course.

3. Within a department, all candidates are given adequate and appropriate time to

produce the Coursework/Controlled Assessment.

4. Internal assessments are conducted by staff that have the appropriate knowledge,

understanding and skills.

5. The consistency of the internal assessment is secured through the departmental

mark scheme or marking criteria and internal standardization as necessary.

6. Each Awarding Body specifies detailed criteria for the internal assessment of the


7. The Awarding Body must confirm/moderate the assessed Coursework/Controlled

Assessmentand the final mark awarded is that of the Awarding Body.

This mark is outside the control of the school and is not covered by this procedure.

8. The candidate will produce Coursework/Controlled Assessment that has been

authenticated as original work.


1. The grounds for appeal relate only to the procedures used in arriving at internal

assessment decisions or the production of externally assessed work and do not

apply to the judgment themselves.

2. The appeal must be made in writing to the School’s Examination Officer a week after that the Coursework/Controlled Assessment was assessed. The

grounds for the appeal must be clearly stated. The candidate can be supported in

the presentation of their case by a parent/carer/friend.

3. The Manager will nominate a senior member of staff, normally the

Examinations coordinator to lead the enquiry. An experienced Head of

Department and School Manager to act as an independent member will also be on

the panel.

4. The panel will examine the evidence for the procedures used in the assessment,

decide upon their appropriateness and that the procedures have been properly

followed as required by the Awarding Body concerned..

5. The panel’s findings will be formally reported back to the candidate/parent/carer

Prior to the final marks recording

6. Records of the request for the appeal, the evidence, deliberations of the panel and

the result will be kept by the Examinations Officer and made available to the

Awarding Body if required.

What the Head of Department must provide for the appeal panel

1. Departmental minutes from the first meeting of the school year to indicate that the

school procedure for internally assessed Coursework/Controlled Assessment was

discussed and given out to new and existing members of the department.

Absentees were given their copy.

2. The mark scheme or marking criteria for the Coursework/Controlled Assessment

provided by the awarding body.

3. The departmental mark scheme or marking criteria given to the teachers for

marking the Coursework/Controlled Assessment if this differs from that of the

awarding body.

4. Dates when the Coursework/Controlled Assessment was set and to be handed in

for that student.

5. Evidence that all teaching groups have been given the same length of time.

6. The departmental policy for candidates who were absent when the

Coursework/Controlled Assessment was set or were absent for part of the period

during which the Coursework/Controlled Assessment was being carried out.

7. Dates when the Coursework/Controlled Assessment was marked by the teachers.

8. The name of the teacher in charge of the internal standardisation.

9. Evidence that the information from this meeting was disseminated to the


10. Date(s) for departmental standardisation meeting and teacher attendance.

11. If the teacher assessing the piece of Coursework/Controlled Assessment was

absent, what was done to ensure that the information was given to this teacher.

12. Copy of Coursework/Controlled Assessment marks sent to the awarding body.

• The above information should be provided in a ring binder or suitably filed.

• It would be advisable to set up this binder at the beginning of the course and

update it each year.

• If an appeal application is made, the HOD would only have a short time to provide

this information for the appeal panel. Appeals have to be made a week after that the work was assessed.

• The evidence above may also be requested by an awarding body inspector visiting

the school or the awarding body if a parent makes a further appeal against the

panel’s decision.

Examination Appeal – Re-Evaluation This form contains two pages P.T.O. This form should be completed by students submitting an examination appeal on the grounds of: “Error in the evaluation of assessment material/performance”.


Before proceeding with this appeal you must read the following points of information and tick the box to indicate that you have read and understood these points:

• It is the student’s responsibility to consult the Examination Appeals Guidelines and the VTI Examination Appeals Policy.

• You should only appeal on these grounds if you believe that an error was made in the evaluation of your examination or other assessment .You should provide as much detail as possible as to where you believe the error was made.

• Prior to making an appeal, you are strongly recommended to confer with the internal examiner, and to view your examination material. This will assist you in identifying where you believe the error in evaluation was made.

The correction of errors discovered in the recording or calculation of marks does not require an appeal. Such errors may be corrected using an approved process.

I have read and understood these points of information

Name in Full: ____________________________________________________

Student Number: _________________ E-mail: __________________________

Address: _______________________________________________________



Telephone No: Home:___________________ Mobile:_____________________

Course: ___________________________Unit_______________________________

Stage: (Year 1 or 2 etc) ______________ Semester: ___________________

Signature:_______________________ Date of Application: _________________

Please submit a vti non refundable fee of Rs200.00 with this appeal request

Note :Awarding bodies=enquiry stage for Qualification (Approval Risk) Status added (fee for this service is £300 or as may be required by the bodies ] If the appeal finds that appropriate processes, procedures or policy were not followed, the fee will be refunded.

f Examination Appeal – Re-Evaluation

Module/Subject Appealed - (Give exact title/code of module appealed):

Module Code

Module Title

Reasons for the appeal

Please give clear reasons why you consider the centre did not follow the due process. Your explanation must include:

 Clear statements identifying the specific decisions that you wish to appeal against

 A clear and full account of your reasons for disagreeing with each of the above decisions

You may attach additional documents to support you application

Reasons for appeal:

You may use the space below to indicate where you believe your assessment material/performance was not evaluated correctly. You may refer to specific examination questions and other assessment items (e.g. essays, projects, etc)*.

*Use additional sheets if required

VTI - Vocational Training Institute
  • Address : 99, John Kennedy Avenue, Vacoas, Mauritius
  • Tel : (+230) 696 6051
  • Fax : (+230) 696 2062
  • Email : vti@intnet.mu
Opening Hours
Monday ➜ Friday : From 9:00 a.m to 4:00 p.m Saturday : From 9:00 a.m to 3:00 p.m

For Registration, please bring along original Birth Certificate / I.D, Educational Certificates and a Registration Fee of Rs. 100.

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